Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Ship Or Sheep - Unit 13: ə (a camera)

a. Read this story aloud or visit the website to practise. The spelling has been changed to Show you when to make the sound /ə/. Record your voice to listen to your production of the target sound.

b. Weak forms
Listen to the example of the weak form and the strong form of was.
Was she dreaming?
This is the sound /ə/. This is the weak form of was.

Yes, she was.
This is a different sound. This is the strong form of was
Then listen and repeat.

Wəs she thinking about South America? 
Wə her brothers and sisters asleep? 
Də they like reading? 
Həve you read about South America? 
Dəs your friend like reading?
ə we working hard? 
Həs your friend been to South America? 
Cən you swim? 

Yes, she was.
Yes, they were.
Yes, they do.
Yes, I have.
Yes, he does.
Yes, we are.
Yes, he has.
Yes, I can.

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