Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Ship Or Sheep - Unit 2: ɪ (ship)

c. Other moving stress
The stress in these 'teen' numbers is also different when there is a strong stress in the next word.
Tim lives at number fifteen.
Tim lives at number fifteen Green Street.
Practise giving A’s reply in the conversations you hear, like the example.

A: The dentist is at seventeen Mill Street.
B: Seventy?
A: No, not seventy - seventeen.

1 No, not forty — fourteen.
2 No, not ninety — nineteen.
3 No, not sixty — sixteen.
4 No, not eighty — eighteen.
5 No, not thirty — thirteen.

d. Mini Bingo game
Play in a group of 3-5. One person calls out the numbers from 4a but in a random order. (Take turns to call the numbers.) The others each choose one of the boxes A, B, C or D below.

Listen to the numbers and if a number is in your box, cover it with a small piece of paper. When all the numbers in your box are covered, you are the winner and you shout, BINGO!

Self study student: first make a recording, saying clearly all the numbers from via but in a random order. Then listen and play as many boxes as you can simultaneously.

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