Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Ship Or Sheep - Unit 23: p (Pen)

- Excuse me. Please could you help me?

- How can I help you? ... Oh,... you want your parcel up there?
- Yes. Put it on top of that pile of newspapers, please... Thank you.

a. Listen to the sound /p/. This is an unvoiced sound.
b. To make the louder sound /p/ at the beginning of a word, first close your lips hard. Then push air forward in your mouth. **Then quickly open your lips to release the air suddenly.** Don’t use your voice. Listen and repeat: /p/.
c. Notice that sometimes /p/ is quieter because the air isn’t released suddenly. Listen
up     top     help     helps     help me.
Omit from ** to ** above to make this quieter sound.

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