Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Ship Or Sheep - Unit 25: t (table)

  First practise the target sound It/ in words from the dialogue. Read the words aloud or visit the website to practise.
/t/ is LOUD before a vowel.

One-syllable words: two       to       top       ten       tell       tins       Thai       time
Two-syllable words: counter       upstairs
Three-syllable words: customer       telephone       tomatoes
Four/five-syllable words: photographer       cafeteria

Notice how two /t/ sounds join together.
I want_to take the lift_to the top. The telephone is next_to the cafeteria.
/t/ is often quiet at the end of a word.
hat       coat       skirt       shirt       first       want       what       get       got       right       cricket       bat       opposite       supermarket

What happens if the next word begins with a vowel?

I want_a hat_and a coat_and a skirt_and a ....

Practise a quiet /t/ here before a consonant.

hats       coats       skirts       shirts       eighth       what’s       restaurants       cricket bats

Sometimes there will be loud and quiet /t/ in the same word. Decide if these are loud () or quiet ().

       assistant ()

travel agent()       twenty-two()       tonight()       student()       important()       department store()       tomatoes()       toilet ()
Now look at the words in the box below and decide whether the target sound is loud () or quiet ().
     to (L), skirts (Q)
to()        skirts()        basement()        telephone()        cricket bat()        exactly()        cafeteria()        tomatoes()        fruit()        tell()        top()        Thai()        time()        next()
Check your answers in the key before doing the next exercise.

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