Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Ship Or Sheep - Unit 28: g (girl)

First practice the target sound /g/. Some of these words are from the phone messages you will hear. Read the words aloud or visit the website to practise.

/g/ is LOUD before a vowel and quite loud before /l/ and /r/.

groups of girls giggling and gossiping together

taking great photographs of a guy in the garden cutting the grass
Maggie isn't in Glasgow. Guess again.

She's gone to Portugal and Greece until August.

/g/ is often quieter at the end of a word or before a consonant.

This is an example.

Another example is fog. Also smog. I

rugs        mugs        hugs        rugby

a jog with a big dog        big dogs        a big pig        big pigs

a frog        frog’s eggs        frog's legs

Craig        Craig's big bag        Craig has jetlag.

What happens when the next word begins with a vowel? Is /g/ LOUDer or quieter?

big        dog                  There's a bigvold dogvin the garden.

fog        smog               Fogvand smogvare what we've got.

dialogue                       Read the dialoguegaloud.

Greg        Craig             Greg'and Craigvand Maggie.

Notice how two /g/ sounds join together.

It's a big garden.        He’s a big guy.        Has the fog gone?

/k/ and /g/

Quickly scan all the words in the list below and write all those with the sound /k/.



computer        Maggie        postcard        Glasgow        beginning        games       weekend        Portugal        Greece        grass        catch        guess        cut        camp        August        girls        gossip        couple        Carol        garden        Craig
Check your answers before going on to 3b.

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