Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Ship Or Sheep - Unit 28: g (girl)

Close your book and listen to Craig and Maggie's phone messages on their answering machine, paying attention to the target sound. Then complete the sentences below. Each missing word has the sound /k/ or /g/, and is in the box above. Number 1 has been done as an example.

1. Greg and Carol want to stay for a of days at and ’s house in .
2. They’re coming to at the of .
3. is always giggling. She wants to up on all the .
4. The last time they got together, Greg and Craig played while the two went shopping.
5. Carol says, 'I you’ve gone away for the .’
6. Craig and Maggie sent a from , but they’re going to go to Greece.
7. While Craig and Maggie are in , Greg and Carol are going to in their .
8. Greg says they’ll be very grateful and they’ll the .
Listen to the complete sentences from 3b and check your answers. Then practise reading the sentences aloud. Record your voice to compare your production of the sounds /k/ and /g/ with the recording.

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