Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Ship Or Sheep - Unit 3: e (pen)

First practise the sound /e/ in some of the words from the dialogue. Read the words aloud or visit the website to practise. In words with two or more syllables, bold is used to show which syllable is strongly stressed. In the brackets, write the number of syllables in each word before you practise.
friend (1) terribly (3) Emma (2) expensive (3)

jealous ()   help ()   everybody ()   any () bench ()   Kevin ()   America ()   Mexican () Emily ()   Ben ()   very ()   bread ()   Eddie ()

Notice that many words in English have the strong stress on the first syllable, but some words have the strong stress on the last syllable.
hello   Adele    again    except    yourself     lemonade

 Listen to the dialogue, paying attention to the target sound. Then read the dialogue and fill the gaps (1-7) with the correct questions (a-g) below.
a) Can I get you a drink, Adele?
b) Is that better?
c) Was it expensive?
d) Are you listening to the Red Hot Chili Peppers?
e) How did you spend your holiday, Adele?
f) Are you a friend of Emma’s?
g) Have you met my friend Adele yet, Kevin?
ADELE: Hi, Emma! Hi, Ben! Hello, Emily! Hello; Eddie! Hi, everybody!
EMILY: Nice to see you again, Adele. Kevin, this is Adele. Adele, this is Kevin.
ADELE: Hi, Kevin. 1 ? It's terribly loud.
KEVIN: Yes ... (turns the music down) 2 ? (Adele nods her head) 3 ?
KEVIN: Emma said she had a friend called Adele.
EDDIE: Help yourself to Mexican food, Adele. It's on the kitchen bench.
EMILY: And there's French bread on the shelf.
BEN: 4, ?
ADELE: Yes, thanks, Ben. Some lemonade with a bit of ice in it.
EMMA: 5 ?
KEVIN: Yes. I've just met her. She's very friendly.
BEN: 6 ?
ADELE: I went to South America with my best friend Kerrie.
EMMA: We're all jealous.
EDDIE: 7 ?
ADELE: Not very. But I spent everything. I haven't any money left.
Listen to the dialogue again to check your answers. Then practise reading the dialogue aloud. Record your voice to compare your production of the target sound with the recording.

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