Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Ship Or Sheep - Unit 31: z (zoo)

First practise the target sound lzl in words from the dialogue, plus others. Read the words aloud or visit the website to practise.
/s/ and /z/ sounds
The letter ‘s‘ is usually pronounced /s/ after an unvoiced sound, and /z/ after a voiced sound.
  /s/ after an unvoiced sound  /z/ after a voiced sound
plurals snakes  sacks   units  artists  zips animals  parcels   arms   legs
3rd person singular makes   thinks   wants  repeats smells  contains  draws
’s what’s  it's   think‘s somethings  Susan's

Joining /s/ and /z/ sounds

Notice that if the two sounds are different, we say the second one more strongly.

Yes,_Zena. (s_z)   This parcel contains_six mice. (z_s)         this_sack (s_z)    does_Susan (z_s)

Say these words that have two /s/ or /z/ sounds. Which sounds are they

1. smells //      6. surprising //
2. parcels //          7. Lazarus //
3. something's //        8. sounds //
4. boxes //      9. sacks //
5. Susan //     10. zoos //

Listen to the dialogue. paying attention to the /s/ and /z/ sounds. Then practise reading the dialogue aloud. Record your voice to compare you production of these sounds with the recording.

Surprises in the post office

(Zena and Susan work at the post office. They are busy sorting parcels. It's Susan's first day.)

SUSAN This parcel smells, Mrs Lazarus.
ZENA Call me Zena, Susan.
SUSAN Yes ... Zena ... Something's written on it. What does it say?
ZENA It says: 'This parcel contains six mice'.
SUSAN Aw! Isn't that awful, Zena! Poor animals!
ZENA And listen, Susan! What's in this sack?
SUSAN It's making a strange hissing noise.
SACK (hisses) Sssssssssssssssss!
SUSAN Zena! It's a sack of snakes!
ZENA So it is! ... And what do you think's in this box, Susan?
SUSAN It's making a buzzing sound.
BOX (buzzes) Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
SUSAN Those are bees!
ZENA A parcel of mice .. and a sack of snakes . . and a box of bees. What do you think about this, Susan, on your first day in the parcels office? Isn't surprising?
SUSAN Amazing! This isn't a post office. It's a zoo.

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