Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Ship Or Sheep - Unit 32: ∫ (shoe)

a. First practise the target sound III in words from the dialogue. Read the words aloud or visit the website to practise.
Show          Mr Shaw          sure          shop          shut          shall          shake          sheets          shirts          shrunk          Mrs Marsh          push          wish          shouldn't          English          Swedish         finished          washes          washing          machine          special          demonstration
b. First listen to the dialogue and notice that the intonation sometimes goes up. Then read the dialogue and write a—j against the numbers 1—4 in the box below. The first one has been done as an example.
1.              2.          3.               4.

A special washing machine

MRS MARSH:  Does this shop sell washing machines?
MR SHAW:  Yes. This is the latest washing machine.
MRS MARSH: Is it Swedish?
MR SHAW:  No, madam. It's English.
MRS MARSH:  Could you show me how it washes?
MR SHAW:  Shall I give you a demonstration? This one is our special demonstration machine. It’s so simple, You take some sheets and shirts, You put them in the machine, You shut this door And you push this button.
MRS MARSH:  The machine shouldn't shake like that, should it?
MR SHAW:  Washing machines always shake, madam Ah! It's finished now.
MRS MARSH:  But the sheets have shrunk, and so have the shirts.
MR SHAW:  Do you wish to buy this machine, madam?
MRS MARSH:  .... I'm not sure.
c. First check your answers by listening to the dialogue again. Then check in the key.
Practise reading the dialogue aloud. Record your voice to compare your production of the intonation with the recording.

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