Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Ship Or Sheep - Unit 35: dʒ (January)

- Good morning. My name is Chas Jazz. I want to arrange to send an item of my luggage on to Japan.
- Just one moment, Mr Jazz ... (on phone) Hello. Could you hold on for just a moment, please?
- Just in case there’s any damage to this baggage, the Jumbo jetset Company in Jamestown has ...
- I’m sorry Mr Jazz, but this is not the Jumbojetset Company. Their office is just round the corner.
a. First practise the sound /t∫/ (see Unit 34). Listen and repeat.
b. Use your voice to make the target sound /dʒ/. Listen and repeat.
c. Listen and repeat both sounds together.
/t∫/ is unvoiced.         /dʒ/ is voiced.

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