Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Ship Or Sheep - Unit 37: f (fan)

Intonation in requests can be down at the end but it usually sounds more polite going up.
a. Practise these six requests from the dialogue with the intonation going up. Read the sentences aloud or visit the website to practise.
1. Please phone my office after five days, Mrs Phillips.
2. Please give a friendly laugh.
3. Please use this felt-tipped pen, Mrs Phillips.
4. Please look ......... er ........ soft and beautiful.
5. Please sit on this sofa.
6. Please fill in this form.

b. First listen to the dialogue, paying attention to the target sound. Then read the dialogue and fill the gaps (a—f) with the requests (1—6) above. The first gap has been done as an example.

Listen to the dialogue again and check your answers. Then check in the key.

A funny photographer

PHOTOGRAPHER:  Good afternoon. How can I help you?
FRED:  I'm Fred Phillips. I want a photograph of myself and my wife Phillippa.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Certainly, Mr Phillips, .
PHILLIPPA:  I'll fill it in, Fred.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Mr Phillips, do you prefer a full front photograph or a profile?
FRED:  A full front, don’t you think, Phillippa?
PHILLIPPA:  Yes. A full front photograph.
FRED:  Full front.
PHILLIPPA:  (hands in the form) It's finished.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Thank you, Mrs Phillips, Is it comfortable?
PHILLIPPA:  Yes. It feels fine.
FRED:  That's difficult. If you say something funny I can laugh.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  And, Mrs Phillips,
FRED:  (laughs)
PHOTOGRAPHER:  That's it finished.
FRED:  Finished?
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Finished, Mr Phillips.
PHILLIPPA:  Will the photograph be ready for the fifth of February?

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