Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Ship Or Sheep - Unit 38: v (van)

a. First practise the target sound M in some of the words from the dialogue. Read the words aloud or visit the website to practise.
view       lived       five       of       have       love       village       valley       very       Vander       lovely       Victor       living       arrived       Vivienne

b. Intonation in statements Intonation usually goes down at the end of a statement. Listen to the intonation in this dialogue. Then practise reading it aloud. Record your voice to compare your intonation and production of the target sound with the recording.

A fine view

VIVIENNE:  Has the Vander family lived here for very long, Victor?
VICTOR:  Five and a half years, Vivienne. We arrived on the first of February.
VIVIENNE:  What a lovely view you have!
VICTOR:  Yes. It's fabulous.
VIVIENNE:  Look! You can see the village down in the valley
VICTOR:  Yes. We just love living here because of the view.

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