Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Ship Or Sheep - Unit 40: j (yellow)

- Did you use to use a computer when you were younger?
- No. When I was young there didn’t use to be any computers. I just used to play with a yo-yo ... um ... I haven’t played with a yo-yo for years ... er ... Have you got a yo-yo?
- No, just a computer.

a. First practise the sound /iː/ (see Unit 1). Listen and repeat.

b. To make the target sound / j /, begin to make the sound /iː/ but very quickly move your tongue to make the next sound. Do not touch the roof of your mouth with your tongue or you will make another sound like /dʒ/ (see Unit 35). Listen and repeat.

c. Listen and repeat both sounds: /dʒ/ and /j/.

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