Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Ship Or Sheep - Unit 40: j (yellow)

a. First practise the target sound /j/ in words from the dialogue. Read the words aloud or visit the website to practise.

York        years        Young        news        few        Hugh        stew        tunes        huge        yellow        yesterday        tutor        student        onion        newspaper        produces        beautiful        excuse me        used to        did you use to        music        knew        New        tubes        stupid        university        tuba        Europe

b. Read the dialogue below and fill the gaps (1-8) with the correct words from the box below. Then listen to the recording and check your answers.
music        knew           New          tubes          stupid        university         tuba       Europe

Not so stupid

JOHN YEE:  Excuse me. Did you use to live in York?
JOHN YEE:  Did you use to be a tutor at the 1 . ?
JOE YOUNG:  Yes. For a few years.
JOHN YEE:  Do you remember Hugh Yip? He was a 2 student.
JOE YOUNG:  Hugh Yip? Did he use to have a huge yellow jeep?
JOHN YEE:  Yes. And he used to play beautiful tunes on the 3 .
JOE YOUNG:  Yes, I 4 Hugh. He used to be a very stupid student. Do you have any news of Hugh?
JOHN YEE:  Yes. He's a millionaire now in 5 York.
JOE YOUNG:  A millionaire? Playing the tuba?
JOHN YEE:  Oh, no. He produces jam in 6 , and tins of onion stew, and sells them in 7 . I read about Hugh in the newspaper yesterday.
JOE YOUNG:  Oh! Well, he wasn't so 8 .

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