Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Ship Or Sheep - Unit 41: h (hat)

a. First practise the target sound /h/ in words from the dialogue. Read the words aloud or visit the website to practice.

Hi       he      how      has      had      have      hit      heard      hope      house     horse      Holly      husband      happened      behind      perhaps     unhappy      hospital      horrible      Helena

b. Read the dialogue and fill in the gaps. After each number there are two gaps. The first gap is a word starting with /h/. The second gap is a word starting with a vowel. Choose words from the box below. Number 1 has been done as an example.

having        ambulance        all        hospital        heard        accident        how       he        unhappy        hit        Helena        ice-cream        injured        operation

EMMA:  Hi, Holly.
HOLLY:  Emma, have you heard ? There's been a horrible accident.
EMMA:  Oh, dear! What's happened?
HOLLY:  Helena's husband has had an accident on his horse.
EMMA:  awful! Is he ?
HOLLY:  Yes. He's been taken to in an .
EMMA:  How did it happen?  
HOLLY:  He was by an van. It was on the crossing just  behind his house.  
EMMA:  How horrible!  
HOLLY:  He's   an emergency  in hospital now.  
Poor ! She's so
EMMA:  Perhaps 'll be   right, Holly.
HOLLY:  I hope so. 
c. Check your answers by listening to the dialogue, then practise reading the dialogue aloud. Record your voice to compare your production of the target sound with the recording.

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