Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Ship Or Sheep - Unit 41: h (hat)

a. Exclamation
Listen and repeat.
Oh dear? How horrible!
How awful! How ramble!
Practise responding to these statements with an exclamation.

A: Hamish has had an accident.
B: How awful!

1. A helicopter has hit Adrian's house.

2. Harry's holiday hotel was hit by the hurricane.

3. Andrew spent all his holiday in hospital.

4. Haley hit herself with a heavy hammer.

5. Ellen’s husband is ill in hospital.

6. I've hurt my hand and I can’t hold anything.

b. Word linking with /h/
Notice that in rapid spoken English, words are sometimes linked by the disappearance of the sound /h/. The sound I h/ often disappears in the weak forms of: he, him, his, her, has, had, have. Like the word and in 2e, the pronunciation of these words changes with strong or weak stress in a sentence.
Now listen and mark the disappearing / h/ sound in the questions below while you read silently.
EXAMPLE           1 Who found (h)im?

Detective at work: disappearing /h/ (bold it)

Check your answers in the key. Then practise the questions. Record your voice to compare your production of these weakly stressed ‘h' words with the recording.

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