Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Ship Or Sheep - Unit 48: l (letter) - (ball)

a. First practise the target sound /l/ in words from the dialogue. Read the words aloud or visit the website to practise.

leg          lunch          like         love          later         lettuce         lovely         Lily         lemonade        hello         eleven         melon         nearly         usually         yellow         Mrs Carpello        please          plate         black         Lesley         glass         left         lamb         slice         o’clock        early         salad         really         jelly         olives

b.  First listen to the dialogue, paying attention to the target sound. Then read the dialogue and fill the gaps (1—10) by choosing the correct words from the box below.

glass         left         lamb         slice         o’ clock         early         salad         really         jelly         olives

Early for lunch at the office canteen

(Lesley is the cook. Lily Carpello is nearly always early for lunch.)

LILY :  Hello, Lesley.
LESLEY:  Hello, Mrs Carpello. You're very for lunch. It's only eleven .
LILY: When I come later there's usually nothing .
LESLEY:  What would you like, Mrs Carpello?
LILY:  Leg of , please.
LESLEY:  And would you like a plate of ? It's lettuce with black
LILY:  Mm. Lovely. I like olives.
LESLEY:  A of lemonade?
LILY:  Yes, please. I'd like that. And I'd love a of melon and some of that yellow .
c. Check your answers by listening to the dialogue again. Then practise reading the dialogue aloud. Record your voice to compare your production of the target sound with the recording.

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