Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Ship Or Sheep - Unit 48: l (letter) - (ball)

- Te me about your Uncle Ph, Caro.
-We, he’s sma. And he’s od and wrined ... and he smies ... and he traves a round the world with his tweve anims. And he ses beautif jeweery.
-What a very unusu une!
a. Notice that /l/ sounds a little different when it comes at the end of a word or before a consonant. To make this /l/ sound, move the back of the tongue up towards the roof of the mouth. Listen: /l/ ball. Listen and repeat: /l/ ball.
b. Dialogue
First practise this /l/ sound in words from the dialogue. Read the words aloud or visit the website to practise.
/l/ at the end of a word
Bill        tell       I’ll       Paul         fall      pull         small

/l/ before a consonant
help        difficult         fault          spoilt        child      holding     salesman            myself         always

Syllabic /l/ - each /l/ sound is a syllable
little      uncle         careful         special         bicycle        sensible          beautiful          gentleman

c. Read the dialogue and fill the gaps (1-6) by choosing the correct words from the list above (syllabic /l/). Then listen to the dialogue and check your answers.

PAUL:  What a bicycle!
UNCLE BILL:  Paul! Be !
SALESMAN:  Excuse me, sir. This child is too small to ride this bicycle. It's a very difficult bicycle to . .
UNCLE BILL:  Be careful, Paul!
PAUL:  You always tell me to be careful. Don't help me. I won't fall.
SALESMAN:  But, sir. This is a very bicycle. It's ...
PAUL:  Don't pull the bicycle, Uncle Bill. I'll do it myself.
UNCLE BILL:  Be , Paul. This says it's a . ..
  (Paul falls)
PAUL:  It was Uncle Bill's fault. He was holding the .
d.  Practise reading the dialogue aloud. Record your voice to compare your production of the target sound with the recording.

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