Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Ship Or Sheep - Unit 5: ʌ (cup)

First practise the sound /ʌ/ in some of the words from the dialogue. Listen and repeat.

lunch    just     much      one     love      cousin       doesn’t       funny       rubbish

enough       untrue         shut up       unhappy        understand       unattractive

worry        lovely       honey      brother         other           nothing        company

wonderful        month         does

b. Listen to the dialogue, paying attention to the target sound. Then read the dialogue and fill the gaps (1-10) with the correct words from the box. They are all words like love spelled with o but pronounced /ʌ/.
worry      lovely        honey        brother       other         nothing      company

wonderful       month        does

JASMINE: Honey, why are you so sad?(Duncan says 1 .)
JASMINE: 2 , why are you so unhappy? I don't understand.
DUNCAN: You don't love me, Jasmine.
JASMINE: But Duncan, I love you very much!
DUNCAN: That's untrue, Jasmine. You love my cousin.
JASMINE: Justin?
DUNCAN: No, his 3 .
JASMINE: Dudley?
DUNCAN: No. Stop being funny, Jasmine. Not that one. The 4 brother.Hunter. You think he's 5 and I'm unattractive.
JASMINE: Duncan! That's utter rubbish!
DUNCAN: And Hunter loves you too.
JASMINE: No he doesn't.
DUNCAN: Yes he 6 .
JASMINE: Duncan, just once last 7 I had lunch with Hunter. You mustn't 8 . I like your 9 much better than Hunter's.Hunter's ..
DUNCAN: Oh, just shut up, Jasmine!
JASMINE: But honey, I think you're 10 .
DUNCAN: Oh, shut up, Jasmine.
JASMINE: Now that's enough! You're just jealous, Duncan. You shut up!

c. Listen to the dialogue again to check your answers. Then practise reading the dialogue aloud. Record your voice to compare your production of the target sound with the recording.

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