Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Ship Or Sheep - Unit 6: ɑː (heart)

First practise the sound /ɑː/ in some of the names in the dialogue. Read the names aloud or visit the website to practise. Remember that when we say both the first and last names, the last name has the strongest stress.

It's Lara.        It’s a ling.

Bart son      Margaret    Markus                Alana

The sound /ɑː/ is also in some of the words in your instructions.
example     answer     the target        the mask         the name

Listen to the dialogue. paying attention to the target sound. Then read the dialogue and fill the gaps (1—5) with the correct adjectives from the list.

marvellous          attractive         fantastic            fabulous           smart

At A Party
(Margaret and Alana are at the bar. People are laughing in the garden.)

What a 1 party this is! I'm having so much fun, Margaret.

MARGARET: Where's your glass, Alana?
ALANA: Here you are. Thanks. That's enough.
MARTIN: Alana! Margaret! Come into the garden. Tara Darling and Markus Marsh are dancing on the grass.
MARGARET: In the dark?
MARTIN: They're dancing under the stars.
ALANA: 2 ! And Bart Jackson is playing his guitar.
MARGARET: Just look at Tara! She can't dance but she looks very 3 .
MARTIN: Look at Markus. What a 4 dancer!
ALANA: What an 5 couple they are! Let’s take a photograph of them.
Listen to the dialogue to check your answers. Then practise reading the dialogue aloud. Record your voice to compare your production of the target sound with the rec0rding.

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