Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Ship Or Sheep - Unit 8: ɒ (clock)

First practise the sound /ɒ/ in some of the words from the dialogue. Read the words aloud or visit the website to practise.

soft    hot    long    strong     popular    horrible    wants     what    wrong
socks   job   got     often       sorry        washing    Mrs Bloggs
Listen to the dialogue, paying attention to the target sound. Then read the dialogue and fill the gaps (1—6) with the correct adjectives from the list.
soft     but     long     strong     popular     horrible

VOICE A: What's wrong with you, Mrs Bloggs?
MRS BLOGGS: What's wrong with me? I want a holiday from this 1   job of washing socks!
VOICE B: Buy a bottle of 'Onwash', Mrs Bloggs!
VOICE C: 'Onwash' is so 2 and 3 .
VOICE D: You don't want lots of 4 water with 'Onwash'.
VOICE A: It's not a 5 job with 'Onwash'.
VOICE B: Use 'Onwash' often.
VOICE C: You won't be sorry when you've got 'Onwash'.
VOICE D: Everybody wants 'Onwash'.
EVERYBODY: 'Onwash' is so 6 !
Listen to the dialogue again to check your answers. Then practise reading the dialogue aloud. Record your voice to compare your production of the target sound with the recording.

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