Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

ETS - TOEIC 2019 - Reading (Test 4)

Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, e-mails, and instant messages. Each text or set of texts is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 147-148 refer to the following notice.


Here at Sawadee World Bistro, our talented chefs bring the world to you by serving flavorful specialties from around the globe. Now with the click of a button, you can share your dining experience with the world!

Just take a picture of your meal and post it on our Web site. You will automatically be entered for a chance to win a $100 gift card.

What are you waiting for?
www.sawadeeworldbistro.com/ tastesharewin

147. Where would the notice most likely be posted?

148. How can readers enter a contest?

Questions 149-150 refer to the following text message chain.

Susan Rollins (10:12 A.M.)

I just looked through your preliminary design plans for the Miller house on Greenwood Lane. Everything looks great, especially the kitchen and main living area. My only concern is the practicality of the glass sunroom. Glass rooms often run over budget.

Myles Hart (10:15 A.M.)

The clients insisted I include the sunroom. They're going to try to find a way to finance it.

Susan Rollins (10:17 A.M.)

We'll need to make sure that's arranged before we finalize these plans. In the meantime, can you come up with a new design that leaves off this addition?

Myles Hart (10:18 A.M.)

Shouldn't be a problem. I'll work on it now. I'd planned to talk to the Millers later today, so I can discuss the budget with them then.

149. Where do the writers most likely work?

150. At 10:18 A.M., what does Mr. Hart mean when he writes, “Shouldn’t be a problem”?

Questions 151- 152 refer to the following instructions.

Verita Model JX41Ci- Instructions for Use

  • Ensure that the electrical cord is untangled and then plug it into a nearby wall outlet.
  • Choose the appropriate setting (floor, low carpet, high carpet) by using the dial on top of the machine.
  • Turn the machine on by pushing the power button at the base of the handle. Run slowly and steadily over an area two or three times to pick up dirt and debris.
  • If there is still debris in corners or other hard-to-reach areas, connect the appropriate attachment and use it on the specified area.

151. What is the purpose of the machine referred to in the instructions?

152. What are users instructed to do each time before using the machine?

Questions 153 - 154 refer to the following text message.

From: Moria Bayardi 8:45 P.M. 555·0112

To: Steve Takiff

Hi, Steve. My flight was canceled, and the new one is tomorrow morning. Mr. Zhen's tour of our facility is also tomorrow morning. Can you show him around? He wants to see our warehousing procedures. He will arrive at 10:00 A.M., and then we've planned alunch for him. The meeting information and the schedule ore in afile folder on my desk. Call me if you have any questions. Thanks!

153. Why did Ms. Bayardi send the text to Mr. Takiff?

154. What does Ms. Bayardi ask Mr. Takiff to do?

Questions 155 - 157 refer to the following email.

To: Bo Xiao
From: David Morisseau
Date: May 16
Re: Order# 3A556

Dear Mr. Xiao,

Thank you very much for your recent purchase from Yippee.com!- [1] -.We are grateful for your business. We are proud to sell only high-quality products that we believe in and use ourselves. We also take pride in providing you with the best customer service possible. - [2] - .

To say thank you for your purchase, we would like to offer you 15% off your next order as well as free shipping. Visit our Web site at www.yippee.com to place your order. - [3] -.This offer expires 60 days from the date of this e-mail.

As part of our ongoing efforts to provide the best service available, Yippee.com routinely asks our customers for their feedback. Therefore, we invite you to visit www.yippee.com/survey to complete our customer-satisfaction survey. - [4] -.

Thank you again,

David Morisseau
Vice President of Customer Service

155. What is the main purpose of the e-mail?

156. What is Mr. Xiao asked to do?

157. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
“Please use code XB84RD when completing your order to receive the discount.”

Questions 158 - 160 refer to the following advertisement.

No job is too small | Licensed and insured | Free estimates

  • Laying and removal of carpet, tile, and wood flooring
  • Installation of doors and replacement windows
  • Construction and repair of decks and porches
  • Installation of kitchen countertops and cabinets
  • Minor plumbing and electrical work

For high-quality work at affordable prices, call 910-555-0148. If there is no answer, please leave a message, and someone will contact you by the following day. References available upon request.

158. What is indicated about Mr. Cheung?

159. What is NOT mentioned as a task Mr. Cheung can do?

160. According to the advertisement, what may a customer ask for?

Questions 161 - 163 refer to the following article.

Washington State to Introduce Its Very Own Apple

By Julia Richards for The Agri Monthly

Scientists at Scales University reported last month that they have completed the development of the "Shiner Crisp," the first apple that Washington state farmers will have trademarked all to themselves. - [1] -. The first Shiner Crisp is expected to become available to consumers as early as next year. - [2] - .

Apple breeders design new apples especially to better compete with such traditional apple varieties as Reds and Juiceys. The development process involves a considerable investment of time and money in repeated taste tests for their new fruits. - [3] -. Whereas Reds and Juiceys average $1.29 per pound, new types of apples (such as the hugely popular Branburs and Honey-Sweets) are raking in at least three times as much.

These additions have major long-term impacts on the market, too. Two decades ago, Reds and Juiceys comprised over 50 percent of all apple sales; now their sales are less than 25 percent of the market. It is no wonder that apple breeders are racing to come up with the next popular apple! -[4]-.

161. What is the purpose of the article?

162. According to the article, what is true about Reds and Juiceys?

163. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
“In other words, these new types of apples are designed for big flavor and big profits.”.

Questions 164 - 167 refer to the following email.

To: Theresa Pearle <tpearle@praguequarterly.cz>
From: Marek Koubek <mkoubek@bistrokoubek.cz>
Re: Press release
Date: 15 March

Dear Ms. Pearle,

Per our phone call earlier today, please find the press release for my new restaurant, Bistro Koubek, below. Thank you again for offering to print it in your magazine. It was interesting to hear your views on the growing English-speaking community in Prague that your publication caters to. We hope the restaurant will appeal to Czech citizens as well as Americans and other foreigners residing in or visiting Prague.

Best regards,

Marek Koubek


PRAGUE (15 March)- Bistro Koubek, located at V Celnici 437/4, 110 00 Prague 1, will celebrate its grand opening with a party on Friday, 21 May, beginning at 6:00 P.M.

According to owner and head chef Marek Koubek, the restaurant will feature Cajun-Czech fusion cooking, combining popular menu items from New Orleans, Louisiana, such as gumbo and jambalaya, with traditional Czech cuisine.

Complimentary samples and beverages will be available during the grand opening event, but full meals will not be served. Normal hours of operation are 5:00 P.M. until midnight, seven days a week, beginning on 22 May. The menu can be viewed at www.bistrokoubek.cz.

Chef Koubek lived in Prague until age sixteen, when he moved with his family to New Orleans, where his father opened a restaurant. There, he worked in the kitchen while studying at the Louisiana Academy of Culinary Arts. After graduating, he was hired as head chef at Crescent City Eatery, where he earned four major awards for his unique menus and flair for meal presentation. He is thrilled to return to his childhood home and share the culinary heritage of two cultures with the city's diners.

164. Why did Mr. Koubek e-mail Ms. Pearle?

165. The phrase “appeal to” in paragraph 1, line 4, is closest in meaning to

166. What is indicated about the event on May 21 ?

167. What is NOT stated about Mr. Koubek?

Questions 168 - 171 refer to the following online chat discussion.

Peter Harrer [9:30A.M.]

Hi, everyone. I'll make this brief as I know you're all busy reading the manuscripts for the editorial meeting on Friday.

Cora Grant [9:31 A.M.]

Did we change the time for that?

Peter Harrer [9:32A.M.]

It's still at 2:00, right?

Meili Shu [9:32A.M.]

Yes. At first we talked about having it in the morning, but I have an appointment at 10:00.

Peter Harrer [9:33A.M.]

OK. I'm glad we got that sorted out. I'd like to share Kwang's idea. Kwang, do you want to explain it?

Kwang Chun [9:35A.M.]

Sure. What if we encourage our customers to sign up to receive a newsletter each month by e-mail? We would include information about our special promotions or book giveaway contests. We could even have some of our authors write occasional articles.

Cora Grant [9:36A.M.]

Yes, they could give insights into their work or maybe discuss a favorite book.

Meili Shu [9:37A.M.]

It's a great idea! This kind of thing is getting more popular in business these days. And people always like a chance to win free books.

Peter Harrer [9:38A.M.]

Well, keep in mind we are a small press with a small budget. Would one of you like to get this idea off the ground?

Kwang Chun [9:39A.M.]

I suppose I should, since I'm proposing it. Maybe Meili would help?

Meili Shu [9:40A.M.]

Of course.

Peter Harrer [9:41 A.M.]

OK, thanks everyone. See you all on Friday.

168. Who most likely are the participants in the online chat discussion?

169. At 9:33 A.M., what does Mr. Harrer mean when he writes, “we got that sorted out”?

170. What project is Mr. Chun taking on?

171. What does Ms. Shu agree to do?

Questions 172 - 175 refer to the following document.

Haswell Tire Company Maintenance Warranty

At Haswell Tire Company, we know you depend on your tires to take you where you want to go. That's why we offer a lifetime warranty on tire maintenance for every tire you purchase from us. It covers tire inspection, rotation, and repairs free of charge.

Inspection: Our service crew will check the pressure, inflate the tires if necessary, and let you know when the tread is getting low.

Rotation: It's important to rotate your vehicle's tires periodically. Our team can perform this service for you in less than half an hour.

Repair: If you have a flat tire, our team will make every effort to repair the damage. If the tire can't be repaired, we'll offer you 20 percent off the regular price when you purchase a new tire.

Bring in your vehicle during regular business hours and our friendly service staff will help you get back on the road quickly. No appointment is necessary. Just show the receipt from your tire purchase. This wananty covers service for the life of the tires under the original purchaser and is not transferrable to other vehicles or owners.

Your satisfaction is our top priority. Unlike our competitors, we do not just sell tires. During our three decades as a local family-owned business, we have developed lasting relationships with our customers by providing outstanding service. Thank you for your business.

172. The word “perform” in paragraph 3, is closest in meaning to

173. According to the document, when will Haswell Tire Company provide a discount?

174. What must a customer have in order to receive a service covered by the warranty?

175. What is suggested about Haswell Tire Company?

Questions 176 - 180 refer to the following email and article.

To: Michael Kaelo <mkaelo@ hawthorneclinic.bw>
From: Sophie Thabado <sthabado@ Gaboronestar.bw>
Date: 20 February
Subject: RE: Event
Attachment: 📎 Dinner and lunch menu OQtions

Dear Mr. Kaelo,

Thank you for considering the Gaborone Star Hotel for your event. Regarding your inquiry, we have four ballrooms that accommodate large groups: Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Venus. They seat 400, 300, 200, and 100 guests respectively.

I've attached some lunch and dinner menu options, but we are happy to work with you regarding specific requests. We can arrange a sit-down meal or buffet-style service. We also provide audiovisual equipment for business presentations or celebrations.

Please let me know if you need any additional information.


Sophie Thabado, Director of Events

Gaborone Times

20 May

Local Happenings

On 15 May, family members, friends, and colleagues of Dr. Patrick Matambo gathered at the Gaborone Star Hotel to celebrate his retirement, which will take effect on 1 June. For twenty years, Dr. Matambo has been the director of the Hawthorne Clinic, located near Hawthorne City University. Among the nearly 180 well-wishers in attendance were also some former patients who attested to the honoree's kindness and professionalism.

Dr. Matambo has also been a familiar face at local charity events, and in particular, he has helped to raise money for many area schools. His immediate plans are to take a month-long vacation on a cruise ship with his wife, Alicia Matambo.

Although Dr. Matambo is retiring, he will remain involved with the clinic as a consultant. A new director has been approved by the Hawthorne Clinic's board of trustees and is expected to be announced later this week.

176. Why did Ms. Thabado send the e-mail?

177. What was sent with the e-mail?

178. In what ballroom was the celebration most likely held?

179. What is NOT mentioned about Dr. Matambo?

180. According to the article, what does Dr. Matambo plan to do?

Questions 181 - 185 refer to the following email and schedule.

To: Vincent Reister <vreister@ hexagonmail.com>
From: Florence Zhang <fzhang@zhtours.com.hk>
Re: Hong Kong Tour
Date: 3 May
Attachment: 📎 Tour Schedule

Dear Mr. Reister:

Thank you for your inquiry about tours with Zhang Hong Kong Tours, Inc. Thank you also for the compliment-I am very happy to hear that your business partner, Mr. Brown, was satisfied with our Creative HK tour last month and that he recommended our services to you.

We have a number of tours scheduled during your short visit to our city during the week of 24 May. I gather from your e-mail that you are most interested in viewing historical landmarks. We have a couple of options that I believe you would especially enjoy. As you can see from the attached schedule, one of those tours is already fully booked. I suggest that you book soon if you would like to secure a place on the other tour. I will be more than happy to reserve a seat for you as soon as you confirm. I look forward to your reply.


Florence Zhang, Zhang Hong Kong Tours, Inc.

Zhang Hong Kong Tours, Inc.- May Tour Schedule

*For more information about these and other tours, visit www.zhtours.com.hk*

Date Tour Primary Stops Hrs./ Dur. Price Avail.
25 May HK for Shoppers ☞ Mall of Hong Kong
☞Hong Kong Markets
9 A.M. - 3 P.M.
(6 hours)
$45 4 spaces left
26 May Creative HK ☞ Film Archive
☞ Gallery of Modern Art
12 noon - 5 P.M. (5 hours) $45 3 spaces left
27 May HK History (Central District) ☞ Lo Pan Temple
☞ Bishop's House
☞ Queen's Pier
10 A.M.- 2 P.M. (4 hours) $45 Sold out
28 May HK Outdoors ☞ Kowloon Park
☞ Cheung Sha Beach
1 P.M.- 6 P.M. (5 hours) $35 3 spaces left
30 May HK History (Islands District) ☞ Tin Hau Temple
☞ Yeung Hau Temple
☞ Yuk Hui Temple
10 A.M.- 2 P.M. (4 hours) $50 2 spaces left

181. What is the purpose of the e-mail?

182. How did Mr. Reister hear about Zhang Hong Kong Tours?

183. What did Mr. Brown most likely see on his tour?

184. What is suggested about Mr. Reister?

185. According to Ms. Zhang, what tour is most suitable for Mr. Reister?

Questions 186 - 190 refer to the following web page and email.


Home | Instructions | Service | Reviews

The Aeolus Jetbake 3 Convection Oven

This high-yield commercial oven uses circulated, heated air to cook food evenly and efficiently.


  • Flexible user-installable options
  • Spacious interior-104 em deep
  • 5 racks and 11 different positions
  • Removable wheels
  • Bright internal LED lighting
  • Selectable fan modes

From: Aldo Castro <aldoc@businessdining.com>
To: <customerservice@aeolusovens.com>
Subject: Tem12erature guestion
Date: May 1

To Whom It May Concern,

I'd like to share some feedback about the Aeolus Jetbake 3. Our company runs the dining service for the businesses located in the Red Umbrella Complex in downtown Austin. We purchased an Aeolus Jetbake 3 last month. This oven is by far the most efficient oven we've encountered, with its large capacity and rapid cooking times. This is critical, as my employees prepare meals for a large number of people each day. The lighting is great, so we can easily see what we're cooking, even with three or more racks in use at once. However, our croissants-a favorite, but tricky to make-are not turning out right and our pastry chef can't seem to find the right temperature settings. Also, why are the units on wheels? They are heavy, and we don't need to move ours around the kitchen, but the wheels take up space unnecessarily. I am not exactly sure what, if anything, we are doing incorrectly. Please let me know at your earliest convenience how we can bake more effectively.

Thank you for your prompt reply,

Aldo Castro

From: Iris Martz <imartz@aeolusovens.com>
To: Aldo Castro <aldoc@businessdining.com>
Subject: Your question
Date: May 5

Dear Mr. Castro,

Thank you for your recent e-mail about the Aeolus Jetbake 3. My guess is that the trouble you are having is related to the 1.0 control panel that is standard on most of our models. This is interchangeable with panel 2.0, which allows for finer adjustments and includes a feature to set the heat-circulating fan to three different modes. I will ship one to you without charge. Please reply with your shipping address and the serial number of your oven. It is located on the back, just under the factory inspection certificate.

Thank you for your purchase!

Yours sincerely,

Iris Martz
Customer Care

186. In the first e-mail, the word “critical” in paragraph 1, line 4, is closest in meaning to

187. What feature of the oven listed on the Web page is NOT referred to in Mr. Castro’s e-mail?

188. What does Mr. Castro’s company do?

189. Why does Ms. Martz write to Mr. Castro?

190. What does Ms. Martz ask Mr. Castro to do?

Questions 191 - 195 refer to the following email and web page.

To: jacknajarian@sellomail.com
From: guestservices@Qamakanihotel.com
Subject: Surfing lessons
Date: May 10

Dear Mr. Najarian,

Thank you for writing to us at the Pamakani Hotel to ask if we could recommend a surfing school nearby. You will be happy to know that Lauloa Surf School (www.lauloasurfschool.com) is located on the beach just a few steps from our hotel. The prices are fair, and their lessons are quite good. Having taken a 4-hour lesson with the legendary Alana Kapaku myself, I can personally recommend them.

We look forward to greeting you and your daughter when you arrive on June 4. Please let us know if you have any further questions or needs before or during your stay. We are at your service.


Regina Manibog
Representative, Guest Services, Pamakani Hotel


Lauloa Surf School | 2495 Kekau Road, Honolulu, HI 96815 | 808-555-0142

Group Lesson

For beginning and lower-intermediate surfers. Group lessons consist of 3 instructors and a maximum of 12 students. We'll form a group for you if you don't already have one.
  • 2-hour lesson I $75 per person
  • Must be at least 13 years old.

Family and Friends Lesson

For beginning to upper-intermediate surfers. No more than 4 people. This lesson is for those who want one instructor just for themselves. You will surf more waves than in our regular Group Lesson.
  • 2-hour lesson I $100 per person
  • Must be at least 13 years old.

Private Lesson

For all levels, beginning through advanced. You'll have our instructor all to yourself, and you'll learn whatever you want to learn about how to surf.
  • 2-hour lesson / $125 per person
  • For safety reasons, children under 13 years old require a private lesson.

Professional Lesson

For advanced surfers. Learn advanced techniques from former professional surfer Alana Kapaku. Alana competed professionally for over 10 years. Her students have included famous movie stars!
  • One-on-one 4-hour lessonl$200 per person
  • Must be at least 13 years old.

All surf lessons include: protective swim shirt, reef shoes, board leash, and surfboard rental.

To: information@lauloasurfschool.com
From: jacknajarian@sellomail.com
Subject: Surfing lessons
Date: June 17


I'm writing to thank you on behalf of my 12-year-old daughter for the wonderful surfing lesson she had during the week when she and I visited Hawaii. I've already told her that when we visit again, I'll purchase another lesson and even sign up with her this time, so we can both learn more about how to surf. Thank you again. We can't wait to get back and enjoy the beach and waves together at Lauloa Surf School.


Jack Najarian

191. Why did Ms. Manibog write the first e-mail?

192. In the first e-mail, the word “fair” in paragraph 1, line 4, is closest in meaning to

193. What is most likely true about Ms. Manibog?

194. How much did Mr. Najarian pay for his daughter’s lesson?

195. What is indicated about Mr. Najarian and his daughter?

Questions 196 - 200 refer to the following article and program notes.

Pop Superstar Coming Home

LAFONT (May 23)-Sonia Benitez is coming back to where it all started, and she's giving back. The international pop superstar announced that she has added a free concert in Lafont to her Long Road tour, which begins on June 2. Benitez will perform in Lafont on July 17.

Born in nearby Ollender, Benitez moved to Lafont with her family when she was five years old. She graduated from Jasper High School, where she first caught the attention of peers and teachers by winning the schoolwide talent show at the age of fourteen, the first time she ever set foot on a stage. Since then, she has embarked on a professional career that has taken her to five continents and has won her millions of fans all over the world.

Benitez made the decision to add a concert in Lafont when her manager, Jeremy Hampton, brought to her attention a threeday break after a show in Chicago. "It was obvious to both of us," Benitez said in a phone call from her recording studio in Los Angeles. "To be so close to Lafont with an extra three days and not do a show would be unthinkable. It was a very easy decision to make."

The only challenge was finding a venue that would accommodate all of Benitez' hometown fans. The town's largest theater seats only 1,200. Lafont Mayor Ellis Swanson came up with a creative solution. "He suggested an outdoor concert," said Benitez. "Not at a stadium, but at a local farm outside of town. That way there won't be a limit on how many people can attend. We'll just set up a stage in the middle of a huge field."

Local radio DJ Taylor Wendel estimates that as many as 8,000 fans might turn out for the concert.

"Considering how popular Sonia is around here, and considering the concert is free, I think that's a conservative estimate," says Wendel. "It's going to be a memorable event."

Benitez Plays to Big Crowd

LAFONT (July 18)-Sonia Benitez' homecoming concert last night in a field at Gingham Hills Farm was nothing short of phenomenal. The crowd of 10,000-plus was delighted to welcome the hometown hero, who was making her first trip back to Lafont in more than 12 years. Benitez put on quite a show, extending her usual two-hour set of songs by another hour with an additional eight songs.

The evening's most memorable moment (of which there were many) came when Benitez was joined onstage by pianist Genevieve Parker, another native of Lafont and friend of Sonia's since the age of six. While perhaps not as well known as Benitez, Parker is an equally accomplished musician, having studied classical piano in Vienna and having toured internationally with the Vienna Touring Orchestra.

✨ ✨

Sonia Benitez in Lafont
Special Notes

Gingham Hills Farm is proud to host. Sonia Benitez' homecoming concert. Among the songs that Sonia will perform tonight are those listed below, which have special significance for Sonia and the Lafont community.

"The Butterfly Song" Sonia's first composition, cowritten with her sister when she was eleven years old
"Dinner by the Riverbank" A song about the Walton River, which runs through Lafont, with backing vocals by the Jasper High School Choir
"A Single Morning" Sung by Sonia at her first-ever performance during high school
"Everybody Smiles" Sonia will be accompanied by a childhood friend on the piano

196. What is suggested about Lafont?

197. According to the first article, what problem with the concert had to be addressed?

198. What is indicated about the song “A Single Morning”?

199. How did the concert in Lafont differ from Ms. Benitez’ usual concerts?

200. What song did Ms. Parker perform in?

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