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ETS - TOEIC 2019 - Reading (Test 5)

Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, e-mails, and instant messages. Each text or set of texts is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 147-148 refer to the following notice.


The sidewalk along Crestview Boulevard is scheduled to be repaired next week. Due to safety concerns, the front door of the Queenstown Financial Services (QFS) building will be inaccessible from Monday, 15 January, to Wednesday, 17 January. QFS employees and customers are advised to use the north entrance on Sycamore Avenue. To get to the receptionist on the second floor, take either the staircase or the elevator, both of which can be found near the north entrance.

147. What is the purpose of the notice?

148. What is suggested about the QFS building?

Questions 149-150 refer to the following text message chain.

To: Corporate Resource Team
From: Junko Shigeno, Team Lead
Date: January 27
Subject: Support issues

Hi, Team,

At next week's strategy session, we will address the specific needs of our company representatives working at our new overseas retail locations. Our goal is to have each employee fully trained in marketing our products and in client retention. I'm requesting that each of you be ready to present two ideas on the best way to provide them with training and logistical support at levels comparable to their domestic counterparts.


Junko Shigeno
Team Lead, Integra Optics

149. According to the e-mail, what is true about Integra Optics?

150. What does Ms. Shigeno ask employees to do?

Questions 151- 152 refer to the following instructions.

Important Information

At the Freehling Company, we take great pride in our high-quality, easy-to-assemble furniture, and we want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase.

Before beginning to assemble the product, check the parts list to make sure that all parts have been included in the box.

If your item is missing parts or assembly hardware, or if it has been damaged during shipping, do not return the product to the store from which you purchased it; stores do not stock replacement parts. Rather, contact us directly and we will send you the item(s) required free of charge. You can reach us by

  • visiting us at www.froehlingco.com to order replacement parts online;
  • sending us an e-mail at parts@froehlingco.com; or
  • calling us anytime at 555-0128.

151. What is the purpose of the information?

152. What is suggested about the Froehling Company?

Questions 153 - 154 refer to the following text message.

Marina Tincheva 9:01 A.M.

Hi Luis. I'm at the restaurant. I need to start setting up the dessert tables for the wedding banquet this afternoon, but the door's locked and I left my key at home.

Luis Machado 9:03 A.M.

Ms. Howell isn't there? She usually shows up hours ahead of an event to get things ready.

Marina Tincheva 9:04A.M.

I know. It doesn't make sense. You'll be in late today, right?

Luis Machado 9:06A.M.

Yes. Actually, I'm on my way to a conference for managers, but I can be there in 10 minutes to let you in.

Marina Tincheva 9:07A.M.

Thank you so much! I'll wait at the cafe next door.

153. Who most likely is Mr. Machado?

154. At 9:04 A.M., what does Ms. Tincheva most likely mean when she writes, “It doesn’t make sense”?

Questions 155 - 157 refer to the following email.

Visiting Carlin County? Don't miss these points of interest!

Avevo Botanical Garden

Open daily, 9 A.M.-6 P.M.; $8 admission With stunning views of Gull Bay, the Avevo Botanical Garden is a beautiful place to examine and learn about the region's abundant and diverse plant life.

Rever Concert Hall

Open to the public Monday to Friday, 10 A.M.-4 P.M. Designed by renowned architect Ang Zhao, the Rever Concert Hall has striking architecture and is well worth a visit. Guided tours are available for $2 per person.

Carlin County Museum of Art

Open daily, 10 A.M.-7 P.M.; $5 admi ssion This lovely art museum focuses on works by local artists. Special exhibits rotate monthly.

The Maritime Museum

Open Wednesday to Sunday, 9 A.M.-4 P.M.; no fee, but donations are welcome An impressive collection of historical artifacts makes the Maritime Museum a wonderful place to learn about the region's seafaring history. Thi s museum is located on a retired ship on East Beach.

155. What is the purpose of the information?

156. What is indicated about Carlin County Museum of Art?

157. According to the information, what do the Avevo Botanical Garden and the Maritime Museum have in common?

Questions 158 - 160 refer to the following advertisement.

Bingham Man Receiv es Award

by Timur Kardos

9 October-A Bingham native received this year's Contributors Award from the Association for the Construction of Steel Bridges (ACSB), a trade organisation. Scott Moore, 66, was presented the award during yesterday's annual ACSB meeting in Norwalk.

According to an ACSB press release, the award is given every year to "an individual who has contributed significantly to the betterment of the steel industry." ACSB spokesperson Cora Schroeder said, "Mr. Moore devotes his spare time to ensuring quality in our industry. For the past decade, he has dedicated himself to helping the ACSB monitor and refine steel-production standards and practices. This year, he chaired a committee that created an improved set of standards for structural steel used in the construction of bridges."

Mr. Moore was born and raised in Bingham and received his engineering degree from Bingham University. After graduating, he worked as a construction manager during the building of Bingham's new city hall. He joined Marshall Steel 39 years ago as a building supervisor, ultimately rising to his current position of senior project engineer.

158. What is suggested about Mr. Moore?

159. According to the article, what happened ten years ago?

160. What was Mr. Moore’s first job at Marshall Steel?

Questions 161 - 164 refer to the following article.



Golden Day Stock Photographs

Using stock images in your materials can significantly improve your company's ability to communicate-not only with external clients but with employees as well. A well-chosen image can serve many functions, from increasing employee engagement with internal communications, to catching the attention of potential clients, to helping readers of documents better understand complex ideas.

Golden Day's images come from a unique international network of contributors, so our selection is not only large but also truly diverse. No matter the size of your organization, and no matter where you are located and with whom you do business, you will find the perfect photo to enhance your message.

Our monthly subscription plans range from $49 to $495 based on the quantity and resolution of the images you download. Once you download an image, there are no limits on its usage.

Don't miss our special introductory offer: first-time subscribers qualify for consultations with our branding experts for six months at no extra cost! Our experts will help you ensure that all your client-facing materials are cohesive and make your company stand out.

161. What reason to use stock images is NOT mentioned in the advertisement?

162. According to the advertisement, why are Golden Day’s images special?

163. The word “resolution” in paragraph 3, line 1, is closest in meaning to.

164. What is Golden Day offering to new customers?

Questions 165 - 167 refer to the following email.

We're Doing Something Right

by Ariel Garman

SUSTERN (November 8)-According to a recent study conducted by the MidAtlantic Hotel Association, tourism at our beaches improved significantly this past summer, and the hotel industry showed greater profits this year than last. Hotel occupancy averaged 94 percent during the peak summer months. - [1] -.

Sustern saw the opening of the area's largest hotel, The Glaston, last spring. The new hotel was at full capacity nearly every weekend during the summer. Weekday occupancy also exceeded expectations.

The hotel's manager, Anika Bastien, said, "Tourists were thrilled with the anay of amenities offered, including 24-hour dining options, a free shuttle to nearby beaches, and free Wi-Fi. In fact, many have already reserved rooms for next summer.- [2] -."

Sustern has become the most popular tourist destination in the region, with about 20 percent more beachgoers than the Delmire shore, its biggest competitor.- [3] -. Experts attribute this to the growing number of outlet stores in Sustern, overall lower prices, and an abundance of new restaurants, hotels, and community events. Tourists continue to visit the area after the prime beach months, keeping hotel rooms occupied longer. - [4] -.

165. What is the purpose of the article?

166. What is NOT indicated about Sustern?

167. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
“This was a big increase from last summer’s average of just 77 percent.”

Questions 168 - 171 refer to the following online chat discussion.

To: All staff
From: Jessica Perry
Subject: Conference
Date: 19 July
Attachment: 📎 Workshop application

Hello everyone,

The fourth annual Australian National Sales and Marketing Conference (ANSMC) will take place from 18 to 22 November here in Perth. Conference organizers have asked local marketing specialists to help out by giving a keynote speech, leading a workshop, or working in the exhibition hall. - [1] -.

Our chief executive officer, Martin Hughes, wants us to take advantage of this excellent opportunity for Hughes Australia Marketing to achieve visibility on a national stage. It is sure to help us to expand our client base. Mr. Hughes has already agreed to give a keynote speech about using survey results to create successful marketing campaigns. - [2] - . I am designing our company's booth for the exhibition hall. If you would like to help, please come to Room C556 at 2:00 P.M. next Tuesday, 23 July, for a planning meeting. - [3] -.

If you would like to lead a workshop, please complete the attached proposal form and return it to me by 26 July. - [4] - . You may present alone or with a partner. Workshop ideas will be discussed and approved at a managers' meeting on 29 July.


168. What is the purpose of the e-mail?

169. What is suggested about Hughes Australia Marketing?

170. According to the e-mail, why does Mr. Hughes want employees to participate in the ANSMC?

171. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
“This will help me ensure that none of our workshop topics overlap.”

Questions 172 - 175 refer to the following document.

Alberto Ovando [11:15 A.M.]

When we met last week, production was nearly finished on the boxes and other packaging for Redmond's. Rani, where are we now?

Rani Verma [11:16 A.M.]

The refrigerator and dishwasher boxes were supposed to arrive at Redmond's warehouse on Wednesday, but the snowstorm really backed up our delivery schedule.

Alberto Ovando [11:17 A.M.]

Have you told them this?

Stacy Pfeiffer [11:18 A.M.]

I will, but I was waiting to hear from the drivers. George, can you help?

George Kellerman [11:19 A.M.]

I spoke with them ten minutes ago. They're back on the road now, so they only lost a day. They should have everything before the end of the week.

Stacy Pfeiffer [11:21 A.M.]

OK. I'll tell them to expect delivery by Friday at the very latest.

Rani Verma [11:22 A.M.]

At least the packaging materials for the smaller appliances shipped before the storm; only the larger boxes are affected.

Alberto Ovando [11:23 A.M.]

The contract is for us to provide packaging materials for all of Redmond's products, not just the smaller ones. Let's make sure we stay on the revised schedule.

172. For what type of business do the people most likely work?

173. What problem are the people discussing?

174. What will Ms. Pfeiffer most likely do next?

175. At 11:18 A.M., what does Ms. Pfeiffer most likely mean when she writes, “can you help”?

Questions 176 - 180 refer to the following email and article.

PAGA's Seventeenth Annual Botanical and Horticultural Expo, July 10-13
Starkey Convention Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The Pittsburgh Area Garden Association (PAGA) invites companies to support its garden exhibition, which last year was attended by nearly 40,000 visitors. This is a cost-effective means of reaching home gardeners and outdoor enthusiasts and enhances your firm's commercial performance.

PAGA is pleased to offer the following levels of corporate sponsorship with corresponding benefits. (For inquiries, contact Ms. Carita Aragon, PAGA's Event Coordinator, at 925-555-0142. To register, e-mail sponsors@paga.org.)

Workshop Patron-$1,250

A representative of your company will have the honor of introducing the presenter(s) of a workshop, to be conducted on the second day of the event.

Bag Patron-$3,500

Your company's emblem will be on all fabric tote bags, to be distributed to every visitor.

Charging Station Patron-$2,000

There will be eight mobile-device charging stations in the exhibition hall, each with a sponsor sign next to it.

General Program Patron-$5,000

Two executives of your company will attend the PAGA Gala Banquet on the opening night of the expo.
From: caragon@paga.org
To: mkee@wimosol.com
Date: May 15
Subject: Thank you

Dear Mr. Kee:

Thank you for registering Wireless Monitoring Solutions as a sponsor of the Pittsburgh Area Garden Association (PAGA) Expo. Your sponsorship not only helps to make this year's event possible, but also to generate interest in gardening.

Your contribution of $2,000 has been processed. Additionally, we are offering you sponsorship of our expo bags at no additional cost. This offer is a token of our appreciation for the long-standing support of PAGA and its programs. To finalize the promotional materials, please send us the artwork of your company's logo.

Carita Aragon, PAGA Event Coordinator

176. What is the purpose of the flyer?

177. According to the flyer, when should a call be placed to PAGA’s office?

178. What will happen on July 10 ?

179. What is suggested about PAGA’s event?

180. What is NOT indicated about Wireless Monitoring Solutions?

Questions 181 - 185 refer to the following email and schedule.

https://www.buyfo~usiness.com/ projectors0102

Buy for Business Reviews Miniprojectors

HJ6 Miniprojector by Collierpro

The HJ6 is a top-of-the-line miniprojector, which is no surprise to those familiar with Collierpro. As usual, the company spared no expense in making sure this projector is easy to take almost anywhere: it is lightweight and comes with its own carrying case, which includes a remote control and a tripod. Its internal lamp is much brighter than that of other projectors its size. Due to its brightness, the HJ6 was able to project the sharpest picture of all the miniprojectors that we tested.

The major weakness of the HJ6 is its speakers. They are not nearly as loud as one would expect, given the superiority of all the other features. You can easily plug in different speakers. It is a miniprojector, however, and its small size means it is not the best choice for giving presentations in lecture halls or large conference rooms.

Overall, this is a fantastic projector for travelers, and we recommend it. This is a new model, though, and the sticker price is quite high. It may be best to hold off making a purchase right away. Projectopro will introduce the Pico P17 projector next month, so the HJ6's price may drop in order to remain competitive.

https://www.buyforbusiness.com/ projectors0103

Buy for Business Reviews Miniprojectors

The Pocket Mini C by Excellentronics

The Pocket Mini Cis a reliable projector and a good buy for those who aren't interested in spending a lot of money. Like its competitors, it is lightweight and compact. The feature we were most impressed with is its battery: it can run for up to six hours, which is much longer than the other battery-powered projectors that we tested.

There are a few downsides, as could be expected from a budget projector. The ports are in awkward locations and the menu organization is confusing, so setting up the projector is not straightforward. The audio capabilities are also limited; when the volume is turned up, the audio can sound muffled. But overall, it's a decent miniprojector for a reasonable price.

181. What is suggested about Collierpro?

182. What is mentioned as a feature of the HJ6 Miniprojector?

183. Why should customers wait before purchasing the HJ6 Miniprojector?

184. What criticism do both of the reviewed projectors receive?

185. According to the second review, what is the best feature of the Pocket Mini c?

Questions 186 - 190 refer to the following web page and email.

From: Alan Grady <agrady@st.pro.com>
To: Jaco Neves <owner@neveslocal.com>
Date: Monday, August 7, 9:31A.M.
Subject: Contract addendum

Mr. Neves,

Thanks for calling to discuss your progress on the house construction. To summarize our conversation, even with the delay until September 22, the house should be ready for me to move into before my a:partment lease expires on October 10. I've thought more about the status reports we discussed, and twice a week would be best. My understanding is that you will now document these changes to the contract so that I can sign off on them this week.

Thanks, as always, for your careful attention to this project.

Alan Grady

From: Jaco Neves <owner@neveslocal.com>
To: Alan Grady <agrady@st.pro.com>
Date: Monday, August 7, 4:16P.M.
Subject: RE: Contract addendum
Attachment: liD Addendum

Mr. Grady,

I have drawn up the revisions we discussed to the June 5 contract and attached it to this message. The recent bad weather set us back, but not by much. As we near the end of the project, many pieces will need to come together at once. I will keep you informed to the best of my ability, but as always, my first priority will be to make sure the work itself is done.

If the document looks acceptable to you, sign and return a copy to me. Please don't hesitate to contact me or Evan Baurkot with any questions or concerns about how our business can serve you.

Jaco Neves


1. Because of work that could not be performed due to unavoidable circumstances from July 24 to July 28, the completion date for all construction will be moved from September 17 to September 22. The Client will not be charged any additional labor costs as a result of this change. Any charges resulting from an extension of building permits will be paid by the Contractor.

2. Effective immediately, the Contractor will submit a report of all work completed (including any delays incurred or anticipated) once every week, beginning on Monday, August 12.

186. Who is Mr. Grady?

187. What is planned for October?

188. In the second e-mail, the phrase “drawn up" in paragraph 1, line 1, is closest in meaning to

189. When was the work most likely affected by bad weather?

190. What information in the contract is different from what Mr. Grady requested?

Questions 191 - 195 refer to the following email and web page.

More Improvements Ahead

At its meeting on Tuesday, the Eldonbury Town Council voted to explore options for additional work to be done on town facilities. According to Charles Gruber, town clerk, the renovation of the Eldonbury Community Centre came in well under budget. The council, therefore, decided to compile a list of smaller improvement projects that could be done with the leftover funds.

Some suggested projects include adding a covered entryway to the Eldonbury Public Library, improving lighting in Westfall Park, and replacing floors in the Town Hall. According to Mr. Gruber, the council will solicit ideas from members of the public. Interested parties may voice their opinions at the council's meeting on Tuesday, 20 March, at 4:00 P.M. or send an e-mail to the council office before 31 March. After the period of public comment, the planning committee will put forth a final list for the council to discuss, with a decision expected by 15 April.

From: mccaffrey32@citymail.co.uk
To: towncouncil@eldonbury.org.uk
Date: 25 March
Subject: Additional Project

Dear Town Council Members,

I read that you are accepting suggestions for the use of the leftover money from the Community Centre renovation. Because of a previously scheduled appointment, I was not able to attend the council meeting, but I would like to express my support for the idea of expanding the lighting in the park. While the cost of that project is likely to be reasonable compared to that of the other possibilities, the improved lighting would increase the usability of Westfall Park and would benefit many people, especially in the dark winter months. A well-lit, nicely maintained park is an obvious source of civic pride, and something we could all appreciate. I hope the council will seriously consider this project.

Heather McCaffrey

From: sunil.pai @hgnetworks.co.uk
To: towncouncil @eldonbury.org. uk
Date: 27 March
Subject: Town erojects

Dear Mr. Gruber,

I was glad to hear that the latest renovation project was completed with money to spare. Although the Community Centre does sponsor activities for citizens of all ages, it is, for the most part, visited by adolescents and parents with children. Therefore, I would like to suggest that the next project focus on a place more often used by Eldonbury 's older people.

The public library is a natural gathering place for older adults, and a new entryway would provide a dry, protected place for people to chat or wait for transportation. It would be a noticeable improvement, likely to be applauded by citizens who did not feel that they gained much from the improvements to the Community Centre. In April, when the votes are cast, please consider this suggestion to balance the interests of all members of the Eldonbury public.

Thank you,
Sunil Pai

191. Why does the town of Eldonbury have funds available?

192. In the article, the phrase “put forth” in paragraph 2, line 12, is closest in meaning to

193. When did Ms. McCaffrey have an appointment?

194. What does Mr. Pai mention in his e-mail about the Eldonbury Community Centre?

195. On what point would Ms. McCaffrey and Mr. Pai most likely agree?

Questions 196 - 200 refer to the following article and program notes.


Delayed Luggage Form

Dear Tahara Air Customer,

We regret that the arrival of your luggage has been delayed. Please provide the following details to help us track down and return your luggage more quickly. A Tahara Air representative will contact you by phone as soon as your luggage is located. Should your luggage remain missing for more than three days, please visit www.tahara-air.com/baggage for further instructions.

Date: 12 October
Name: Marzena Majewska
Local Address: Hotel Dantes, Rua Jau, 1300 Lisbon, Portugal
Telephone: +441632 812110
Flight Number: J77FG2

Delayed Luggage Information

Quantity Description
☑ Suitcase 1 small black suitcase with wheels; "Marzena Majewska" on the name tag
☑ Box 1 small cardboard box with "Marzena Majewska, Saltoni Foods" written on it

From: hgilbert@saltonifoods.co.uk
To: mmajewska@saltonifoods.co.uk
Subject: Re: Sauce samples
Date: 12 October, 2:03 P.M.

Dear Marzena,

I'm sorry to hear about your luggage. At least the airline has located your suitcase.

Since it's impossible to determine when the rest of your luggage will be found and returned, I've sent you more samples by overnight shipping. That way, you will not have to go empty-handed to tomorrow's meeting with the clients. There are five packets of each flavour as well as two small sauce jars with labels. I sent the items by BDW Shipping to your hotel. The package will be delivered by 8:30 a.m. so that you are sure to have the sauce samples and packaging to show when you speak at the meeting at 11.

Take care,
Harry Gilbert


The Fast and Reliable Delivery Corporation

Submit an Overnight Shipment

Your shipment information:

Ship from: Saltoni Foods, 27 Aston Street, Oxford OX1 1HD, UK
Ship to: Hotel Dantes, Rua Jau, 1300 Lisbon, Portugal
Weight: 0.75 kg
☐ Envelope | ☒ Box | ☐ Custom packaging

Your overnight shipment options:

BDW Early Morning Delivery by 8:30A.M. tomorrow £52 Ship Now
BDWMorning Delivery by 11:00 A.M. tomorrow £45 Ship Now
BDW Afternoon Delivery by 2:00 P.M. tomorrow £39 Ship Now
BDWEvening Delivery by 8:00P.M. tomorrow £31 Ship Now

196. What is indicated about Tahara Air?

197. Where did Ms. Majewska most likely pack her samples?

198. What is implied about Mr. Gilbert?

199. According to the e-mail, what will Ms. Majewska do tomorrow at 11 A.M.?

200. How much was Mr. Gilbert charged for shipping?

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