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ETS - TOEIC 2020 - Reading (Test 2)

In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed.
You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book.
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. The new interns have been very mindful of parking regulations.

102. To help the arts center improve its programming, please indicate which aspect of the workshop was most ------------------------ -.

103. Mr. Gupta explained the ------------------------ of the upgraded customer database to the sales team.

104. Buses leaving the city terminal were delayed due to icy conditions ------------------------ the roads.

105. If you have recently -------------------- a digital camera and want to learn how to use it, this course is for you.

106. The upcoming ---------------------- of Tantino Airport will ease congestion and modernize guest accommodations.

107. The study showed that customers aged 35 to 44 paid with a Sonoka credit card -------------------------- than customers in any other age-group.

108. You need to ------------------------ a business plan before your loan application can be processed.

109. The hotel’s ------------------------ shuttle bus will take guests to Hong Kong’s major landmarks.

110. -------------------------months of work to sell the Apton Building, the realtor finally succeeded last week.

111. We will review all four custodial-service bids and choose ------------------------ -that suits our needs.

112. The client asked for ------------------- to the images in the advertising text.

113. Please be advised ------------------------ we have had to cancel your order because of a difficulty with our shipping agent.

114. Tin Creek Corporation ------------------------ that its paper towels are the most absorbent on the market.

115. KCLN Associates will enter into a business --------------------- with the contractor as soon as some of the terms are renegotiated.

116. -------------------------registering for online banking is not required, we strongly recommend it to all of our customers.

117. Viewers can easily ------------------------- to the main character in the popular television series Autumn Mystery.

118. Fairlawn Medical Clinic offers a full ----------------------- of services as part of its community wellness programs.

119. The rear entrance to RC Bank will be closed for repairs and not ------------------------- next Monday.

120. Mr. Carson wants to see Carson audio products ------------------------ , even in remote regions of the world.

121. We can buy office ------------------------ such as desks and printers from any of our company’s approved vendors.

122. When taking a book order, agents must record the customer’s name and the ------------------------ price of each item.

123. The building will be furnished ----------------------- the supervisors do their inspection.

124. In a strong display of confidence, the firm’s board of directors ------------------------ approved the merger.

125. When recently ------------------------ , residents of Mill Creek Park said that street disrepair is the issue that concerns them most.

126. Ms. Rivera agreed to work on the holiday --------------------------- Mr. Grant could attend the conference.

127. The clerk collects packages from each department twice a day and takes them to the mail room ------------------------ .

128. Please inform Ms. Erwin of any complaints ---------------------------- those already discussed in today’s meeting.

129. The Tonsin Writers League is a reputable organization with highly --------------------- members.

130. As Mr. Nakata’s assistant, Ms. Bain is in charge of ------------------------ him on the latest financial news.

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