101. The building contract was ----------------- awarded to Zhong Builders of Manchester. 102. A small salad is included with the lunch special ------------------ Wednesday. 103. Mapsoar Airways redesigned its seats to make it much ------------------- to recline them. 104. Employees may visit the company cafeteria on weekday evenings ---------------- 8:00 p.m. 105. Mr. Yang sent one copy of his resume but was asked to bring ------------------- to his interview.
106. Once payment ------------------- are submitted, it takes several days for any corporate expenditures to be approved. 107. The Outsourced Kitchen Company’s cross-back apron is ------------------ by chefs around the world. 108. Mr. Toskala was able to ----------------- an agreement with the supplier for lower-cost replacement parts. 109. Lucior Shoes saw a ------------------ in expenses after adjusting its production processes. 110. Ms. Easley was asked to limit ----------------- to two 10-minute breaks per day.
111. Since the Orchid Ridge Hotel is in a remote area, the Web site includes a map and detailed ------------------. 112. Ms. Dolin ---------------- requested that order number 42 be hand delivered to avoid breakage. 113. Gahee’s Market is located ----------------- the northeast corner of Welsh Avenue and Zilla Drive. 114. ---------------------- of Hamilton County are looking forward to the restored waterfront promenade. 115. The Wakeshuka Manufacturing Council is made up of regional factory leaders ----------------- help set industry standards.
116. Inquiries regarding long-term advertising contracts should be ----------------- to Juan Mendes in the sales department. 117. Interns at Biocorps ---------------- participated in the collection and analysis of water samples from the city reservoir. 118. Mr. Melo argued that Vantimore’s inventory tracking system is too ---------------- . 119. Years of experience in the industry is the most ------------------factor in predicting one’s success in a supervisory role. 120. Iron Nail Hardware sells a wide ---------------------- of kitchen and bathroom fixtures.
121. The popular Zeni Flex athletic shoes are sold ------------------at Sports Now Shops. 122. The newest Paia’s Pasta House operates as a delivery-only restaurant, ----------------- its older locations continue to offer dine-in service. 123. ---------------- three weeks of completing the training sessions, the factory workers’ efficiency improved by 24 percent. 124. A portfolio of promising uniform designs was submitted to the client for ---------------- . 125. The sales representatives ------------------ samples of the company’s latest medications to doctors’ offices throughout the region.
126. Performing regular maintenance on your delivery vehicles will help prevent service disruptions and -----------------emergency repairs. 127. Despite past business failures, Mr. Bharat! ------------------------------- and now runs a successful shipping operation. 128. Mr. Chen spoke ------------------, and his material was very well organized. 129. Ms. Marcus is scheduled to arrive at City Station at 7:13 p.m. ---------------- her train is on time. 130. In the report, the researchers described the methodology they used in ------------------- their conclusions. |