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ETS - TOEIC 2023 - Reading (Test 8)

In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed.
You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book.
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. The building contract was ----------------- awarded to Zhong Builders of Manchester.

102. A small salad is included with the lunch special ------------------ Wednesday.

103. Mapsoar Airways redesigned its seats to make it much ------------------- to recline them.

104. Employees may visit the company cafeteria on weekday evenings ---------------- 8:00 p.m.

105. Mr. Yang sent one copy of his resume but was asked to bring ------------------- to his interview.

106. Once payment ------------------- are submitted, it takes several days for any corporate expenditures to be approved.

107. The Outsourced Kitchen Company’s cross-back apron is ------------------ by chefs around the world.

108. Mr. Toskala was able to ----------------- an agreement with the supplier for lower-cost replacement parts.

109. Lucior Shoes saw a ------------------ in expenses after adjusting its production processes.

110. Ms. Easley was asked to limit ----------------- to two 10-minute breaks per day.

111. Since the Orchid Ridge Hotel is in a remote area, the Web site includes a map and detailed ------------------.

112. Ms. Dolin ---------------- requested that order number 42 be hand delivered to avoid breakage.

113. Gahee’s Market is located ----------------- the northeast corner of Welsh Avenue and Zilla Drive.

114. ---------------------- of Hamilton County are looking forward to the restored waterfront promenade.

115. The Wakeshuka Manufacturing Council is made up of regional factory leaders ----------------- help set industry standards.

116. Inquiries regarding long-term advertising contracts should be ----------------- to Juan Mendes in the sales department.

117. Interns at Biocorps ---------------- participated in the collection and analysis of water samples from the city reservoir.

118. Mr. Melo argued that Vantimore’s inventory tracking system is too ---------------- .

119. Years of experience in the industry is the most ------------------factor in predicting one’s success in a supervisory role.

120. Iron Nail Hardware sells a wide ---------------------- of kitchen and bathroom fixtures.

121. The popular Zeni Flex athletic shoes are sold ------------------at Sports Now Shops.

122. The newest Paia’s Pasta House operates as a delivery-only restaurant, ----------------- its older locations continue to offer dine-in service.

123. ---------------- three weeks of completing the training sessions, the factory workers’ efficiency improved by 24 percent.

124. A portfolio of promising uniform designs was submitted to the client for ---------------- .

125. The sales representatives ------------------ samples of the company’s latest medications to doctors’ offices throughout the region.

126. Performing regular maintenance on your delivery vehicles will help prevent service disruptions and -----------------emergency repairs.

127. Despite past business failures, Mr. Bharat! ------------------------------- and now runs a successful shipping operation.

128. Mr. Chen spoke ------------------, and his material was very well organized.

129. Ms. Marcus is scheduled to arrive at City Station at 7:13 p.m. ---------------- her train is on time.

130. In the report, the researchers described the methodology they used in ------------------- their conclusions.

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