Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Starter TOEIC 3rd (Listening

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. I ------------------ go to the post office this morning.

2. I don't think it will rain. However, if it -------------------, turn off the machine.

3. Ken should have studied harder; he ---------------------- the test again.

4. The black leather jacket ---------------------- be Harley’s.

5. I ---------------------- like to see his daughter right now.

6. I'm -------------------. Would you lend rne seme money?

7. I'd rather ----------------------- shopping tomorrow.

8. Losing interest in her business, Kimberly has recently ---------------------------.

9. Madeline must be very tired; she is ----------------------------- on the sofa.

10. Here’s the application form you -------------------------- fill out.

11. You --------------------- tell a lie.

12. When he was -------------------------, he would sit under this tree.

13. Before she died, the old man ----------------------- to take a walk with his wife daily.

14. My sister hopes that you will ------------------------ her invitation.

15. What did he -------------------- her to do this morning?

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