Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Starter TOEIC 3rd (Listening

Questions 1 through 4 refer to the following notice.
Notice to all Movie-rama movie house managers.
Now that the summer movie season is approaching, we at Movie-rama would like to remind all of our managers that food and drink sales should ________

by 200%. Especially in the case of cola and flavored water, sales should increase by 300%. To achieve the intended sales goals, we recommend putting ________

Salt on the popcorn, which will make customers more thirsty, which, in turn, will increase drink sales. Also, be reminded that Movie-rama movie theatres are now selling Sugar Cone ice cream bars. The suggested selling price is two dollars, but each theatre can set their own ________.

Thank you all, and have a ________ summer.

The Management

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