Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Starter TOEIC 3rd (Listening

Questions 9 through 12 refer to the following information.
When most people think of movies, the city that comes to ------------------------ ls Hollywood. Hollywood is
famous for its movie studios, and people often visit in the hopes of meeting a famous actor or actress. But these days, Hollywood is not the only world city famous for movie production. Another city that is becoming ------------------------ around the world is Mumbai, India.
In ------------------------, in the entertainment industry, Mumbai is known as Bollywood!
India's Bollywood produccs an average of ten movies per day, and the movies are distributed throughout the world. All Bollywood movies follow the same ------------------------; there is a lot of singing,
dancing, action, and romance, but there is no nudity or extreme violence. And Bollywood movies usually run for three hours or more!

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