Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Starter TOEIC 3rd (Listening

Questions 9 through 12 refer to the following article.
Music heals. That is the conclusion of --------------------------- research on the effects of music on patient
recovery time. According to researchers, playing soothing music while patients have surgery can greatly reduce their recovery time. For some time, doctors have recommended listening --------------------------- soft and gentle music at home or in the car to help reduce stress. Now they are bringing
this idea into the hospital. In a recent experiment at the Charing Cross General Hospital, the recovery rate of 30 patients undergoing identical procedures was compared. 15 of the patients were able to listen to their own choice of music during the operation. The remaining 15 patients had their operations in a silent room. The patients --------------------------- listened to music suffered less stress
and surgeons reported less complications than in the other group. The group who listened to music during their operations were ready to go home, on average 2-3 days --------------------------- than the
group that did not listen to music. The hospital now intends to offer all patients a choice of music during surgery.

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