Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Starter TOEIC 3rd (Listening

Questions 5 through 8 refer to the following information.
You are never too young or too old to get involved in sports and exercise. In fact the sooner you start to ----------------------, the better. According to some recent research, people who started sports
at a young age were more likely to keep it up as they got older. This applied whether they were involved in ------------------- sports or not. In fact, people who did sports just for fun when they
were younger were about 7% more -------------------------- to keep exercising when they were older. Researchers
believe this might be because some young people get burnt out from competition. However, even people who gave up sport because they felt burnt out tended to return to exercising ----------------------- years later. So start exercising now, if you want to be strong and healthy later!

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