Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Starter TOEIC 3rd (Listening

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. Most ---------------------------- work hard.

2. Sorry this is taking so long. Can you wait for -------------------------- ten minutes?

3. ------------------------------ in this department was busy preparing for the conference last week.

4. Don't forget to change the oil ------------------------- 3,000 miles.

5. I don't go to that language school -----------------------.

6. I’m sure that I would enjoy -------------------------- one, the red wine or the white wine.

7. Could you ------------------------- drinks to those guests who just arrived?

8. Would you like another ----------------------------- tea?

9. The holiday season is by far the busiest time of year for -------------------------- stores.

10. Dave bought ----------------------------- lamp for his mother's birthday.

11. During the exam, students are ------------------------ from talking to one another.

12. Jane couldn't find --------------------- books on global warming in the bookstore.

13. Some of the questions were ----------------------------- that nobody could answer them.

14. ------------------------ all of the prisoners were set free.

15. I’ve never seen ---------------------- of the two flowers you brought.

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