Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Starter TOEIC 3rd (Listening

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. I never see him without being -------------------------- of his grandfather.

2. During the experiment, people ---------------------- to use calculators if necessary.

3. I’m quite sure you will soon grow ------------------------- to the new work environment.

4. The United Nations ------------------------ to begin fund raising for the earthquake victims.

5. The instructions --------------------------- precisely.

6. You had ---------------------------- have your teeth checked at least once a year.

7. -------------------------------- snow, the mountain looks fantastic.

8. Everybody ---------------------------- with the results of the meeting.

9. Left alone, the baby -------------------------------- into tears.

10. Why was the soccer game ---------------------------- yesterday?

11. Last week, John -------------------------------------- an award for his community service.

12. A second attempt was made to collect ------------------------------------- from the space probe.

13. Once the files are ready, please have them ----------------------------- me.

14. The pictures, ---------------------------------- by a professional photographer, are going to be on display.

15. I can't --------------------------- it anymore. That website seems to have suddenly vanished.

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