Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Starter TOEIC 3rd (Practice Test)

Questions 149 through 152 refer to the following memo.


To: Janet Wright. Paolo Svegli
From: Andrew Kovaks
Re: Illustrations deadline
Date: October 23rd, 2005

This is just to let you know that the deadline for illustrations for the new series of children’s story books Fairyland Tales has been brought fonvard to November 13rd, --------------------------- of November
27th as originally planned. Lisa Takahashi, the editor of the Fairyland ’I‘ales series quit suddenly ------------------------------ night, and we are now having to rearrange a lot of her duties. Because it will take several
days to find a suitable replacement, we have decided that the ----------------------------- thing to do is re5chedule
each step of the process. Here in the editorial office we feel that it would be better to have all the necessary materials as soon as possible, so that we can hand over a complete package to Lisa's replacement. Sorry for the inconvenience which I know this will cause you; however, we appreciate your understanding. If there are any further changes, I will --------------------------------- you as soon
as possible. Thanks again for your understanding.

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