Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Taking The TOEIC Skills and Strategies 1 (Chapter 4: Practice Test)

Directions:Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, e-mails, and instant messages. Each text or set of texts is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 147 — 148 refer to the following article.

147. What is NOT stated about the retiring CEO?

148. The word ”effective" in paragraph 1, line 3, is closest in meaning to

Questions 149 — 150 refer to the following text message chain.

149. What is suggested about Ellen B?

150. At 11:48, what does Ellen B mean when she writes, ”Thai food it is, then"?

Questions 151 — 152 refer to the following invoice.

151. How much has Vista Hotel already paid?

152. Which is true about Mint Design?

Questions 153 — 154 refer to the following advertisement.

153. Why is Randy selling his car?

154. What is stated about the car?

Questions 155 — 157 refer to the following e-mail.

155. Where is Mr. Brown now?

156. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?<
"My flight to California has been canceled because of bad weather."

157. When will Mr. Brown arrive?

Questions 158 — 160 refer to the following announcement.

158. On what day are two movies shown?

159. How will the theater choose the theme of the next special feature week?

160. What is the latest time that one can see a movie?

Questions 161 — 163 refer to the following letter.

161. What does Linda Trent request?

162. What is Linda Trent‘s opinion of Galoob Ceramics?

163. What will the coffee shop use to hold sugar?

Questions 164 — 167 refer to the following instant message chain.

164. What does Sam Kliff apologize for?

165. What is suggested about Peter?

166. What will Rob Martin most likely do next? .

167. At 9:57 am, what does Tina Zakaria imply when she writes, “It’s our only option at this point”?

Questions 168 — 171 refer to the following advertisement.

168. What is the purpose of this advertisement?

169. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
"If you book now, you can get away for even less."

170. How can reservations be made?

171. How long does a Dazzle Tour last?

Questions 172— 175 refer to the following article.

172. What should you do before making an online purchase?

173. Why should an online shopper keep the receipts?

174. The word "encounter" in paragraph 6, line 1, is closest in meaning to

175. Whom should you contact if you have problems?

Questions 176 — 180 refer to the following notice and agenda.

176. Where will the park board meet?

177. What change is planned regarding the park?

178. Which people should call Glen Tuber?

179. How long is the discussion of the ice rink expected to last?

180. Which item was added to the original agenda?

Questions 181 — 185 refer to the following memo and e-mail.

181.. What were the people mainly surveyed about?

182. Why was the memo written?

183. What is stated about the contest?

184. In the email, the word "tackle" in line 3 is closest In meaning to

185. What will Olivia Benn do this week?

Questions 186 — 190 refer to the following web page, form, and article.

186. How far in advance must event locations be booked?

187. Why does the Drama Club event require the college's permission?

188. Which person involved is a teacher?

189. What is the purpose of the article?

190. What is suggested about the event?

Questions 191 — 195 refer to the following table, report, and letter.

191. Which product is expected to increase most in value over the next 10 years?

192. What problems did farmers in Gromatia suffer in 2010?

193. How long will the subsidies last?

194. According to the report, why has beef become popular?

195. What does G. Happ think the government should do?

Questions 196 — 200 refer to the following chart, memo, and e-mail.

196. Which type of paper was wasted the least?

197. According to the memo, what happened last month?

198. What is the purpose of the memo?

199. How will the company track paper use?

200. What might the HR department win in November?

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