Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Tree Or Three - Unit 42: /ɔɪ/ boy

5. Look at these short conversations. Complete them with phrases from Exercise 4.


A: What do you need to make a cup of tea?
B:You need a tea bag and some .


A: That music is very loud.
B: Yes, they're very


A: My car is making a strange noise.
B: Maybe it needs some .


A: She’s a very good singer.
B: Yes, she has a .


A: Are these your toys?
B: No, they're .

Now listen and check your answers.

6. Now listen to the first part of each conversation in Exercise 5 again.

Say the second part of each conversation.

1. A: What do you need to make a cup of tea?
(You) B: You need a tea bag and some boiling water.

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